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New Birth Control Made Me Fat?

Excuse the title but lol, a little how I feel!

I have been taking YAZ for about 3 years and always had doctor's telling me to switch off of it because of an increased percentage in blood clots. After hearing the YAZ commercials, it started scaring my Mom to the point she told me to switch as well. To be honest, I loved YAZ.

Never got pregnant, always had a light period, sex drive wasn't an issue, acne was light (pimple every now and then), and my weight wasn't an issue.

I switched in January 2014 to Tri-Cyclin after doing some research on pills that were similar to YAZ, for the benefits I listed above. Tri-Cyclin seemed to have good reviews, but the biggest bummer was the longer periods. However, I wanted to make my Mom happy so I switched "for my health". Didn't notice a change in acne, or weight gain, but I could have sworn I was moodier around my period, and had a heavier flow that I wasn't used to. I decided to stick with it but eventually got frustrated and wanted to switch.

I made an appointment at the end of December 2014, asking to go back to YAZ. The doctor told me there was a new birth control out that they haven't prescribed yet: LOLO (Lo Loestrin Fe). I thought the name was cute, but the winning factor was that it was Low Estrogen and made for a much, much lighter period! With that exciting factor, I decided to give it a try. It has now been 5 months since using it and the first 3-4 months were a mess. Spotting all the time, mood swings still prevalent, and the biggest thing I've noticed:


No, I haven't been eating worse.
No, I haven't stopped exercising.

I can admit, I don't exercise as often as I should/could, but still. With the same eating habits (eat small portions every 3-4 hours, home cooked meals, veggies & fruit, nuts, etc), and exercising at least twice a week, I gained weight. My mom mentioned that having a "desk job" would make a difference coming from being on my feet all day as per my previous retail job. However I started this same position 1 year ago today, April 2014, and didn't notice any real weight gain until I switched my birth control pills (LOLO in December). My acne has been noticeable since I started taking Manetabolism (see update post here), but when switching to LOLO I still noticed my pimples so I ended up not taking Manetabolism anymore. However, I really do want to take it again because I noticed great hair growth so I'm working on a plan.


I am going to start working out more to see if I lose weight. Going from 1 Cardio class a week + 1 Yoga class, to 2 Strength Training Classes, 2 Yoga Classes and 1 Cardio class. I will do this for a month to see if this makes a difference in my weight. Considering this is more than double the exercise, I should see a difference. If I don't, I'll be certain it's the birth control (some girls reported they've increased exercising since taking LOLO and gaining weight, but didn't notice a difference until they switched).

Wish me luck.


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