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Single-Strand Knots - Don't Pull Them!

When I first heard of single-strand knots, I didn't know what they were. Of course, it was some kind of knot, but didn't things get "knotted" when tangling? Wouldn't there need to be 2, like at least 2 strands to tangle? The answer is no, knots can happen all on their own.

As we all know, if you don't detangle your hair properly, your hair will get tangled and frizzy because you're not smoothing the cuticle. You would also know to detangle your hair by starting at the ends of your hair (where most of the tangles are) and working your way up. In the same respect, single strand knots are always at the ends. You will feel the knot with your fingers.

Here is a close-up of what the single-strand knot looks like:

Single Strand Knot - Closeup @nattycurls

And a word of caution, please don't use your nails to pull at the knot (like I did) assuming it will only take the end. It will grab your whole hair strand right out of the root. The knot is pretty strong, see below!

Single Strand Knot - Pulled @nattycurls

Instead, please grab your trimming scissors and snip right above the knot. The Search & Destroy Method!


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