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DIY - Organic Homemade Toner

So for quite some while I've been battling with acne. No, my face isn't horrible but the few that linger on my face are pesky so I decided to go organic and I think it's working!

On my natural hair journey I've been actually starting to read labels of the products I buy and amazed and how many ingredients I don't understand. So it am much more savvy when reading hair products, but when it came to my face I never bothered. You wouldn't believe how many chemicals are in those face creams/serums/lotions and the worse, acne products. 

I have combination skin with my dry spots being around my nose but my trouble spot is definitely my cheek, and more specific my RIGHT cheek if that makes any sense lol. So I've been trying different things and was put off with my last organic attempt with an Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) toner but it lingered on my skin and I smelt it when I worked out, like it was steaming off me lol. I soon realized I shouldn't have put so much ACV vs water, and maybe not the artificial Aloe Vera Gel either! 

But I did more research and found a simple toner "recipe" that called for purified water, ACV (only 2 tablespoons this time), then any essential oils of your preference depending on your skin type.  I used a combination of Geranium (for acne prone skin), Neroli (reduces scars), Vanilla (softens) & Lavendar (soothes). I used it only twice so far in the morning after washing my face, and what excites me was my mom asking:

 "Did you put powder on your face? Your skin is glowing"

Excited I told her I've only been using my regular makeup routine (you can see my YouTube vid here). So she saw a difference and I can't wait to see more results!!


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