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Cash Stash, A Kick Start & Embracing Ethnicity

Spending to your last penny, or saving for a rainy day?
Small businesses & entrepreneurs looking for some cash?
Looking to market your biz to the diverse likes of Toronto?

Cash Stash

Why it's time to stash some cash 

So I'm the type of person that likes to save a BIT (not too much) but also use ALL of my money effectively lol. Because of school, I'm like many others in debt and working to pay it off. But luckily landing a full-time job soon after graduation, I feel like I deserve some luxuries so I spend my hard-earned cash. I feel I often succumb to the "I work hard for my money so I deserve it" bit, but what is living without enjoying the moment?! However this article speaks on having an "emergency fund" and is referenced as an "FU Account" which I thought was quite comical. So when something bad happens, you have the cash to say "FU"! Even with putting $50 a paycheck away to my savings account, when it accumulates I often take it out to pay off some debt because it's too tempting and I guess that means I'm 'braving' the consequences. I'm starting small but atleast I'm doing something!

A Kick Start

So starting a small business of my own, I'm intrigued when I hear of other entrepreneurs and small businesses having success stories. It gives me something to work towards. I've looked into KickStarter to see if it would be beneficial for gaining crowd interest and funds. When reading up on the successful campaigns, I ran across this Toronto-designed company and I was interested in hearing a follow-up to their current progress. It took them years of research and development but they were able to raise nearly $1million when only asking for $100k; that's crazy! I mean, it's not a typical story for every person and I definitely feel that you get out what you put in, but I am happy for this company and can only dream to have a crowd backing experience like that! The company used their blog to to feature an interview with an athlete giving their product the thumbs-up. One thing that I know is truly important for any business, big or small, is that you need a celebrity endorsement. For big companies, this could mean a celebrity/athlete, and for a small business it could be local bloggers with a big fan base.

Embracing Ethnicity

In Toronto, we know how diverse our city is. We love that we are multi-cultural and embrace it all! I feel like NY is the same type of city in the sense their are a LOT of people, and a lot of different people at that. I love how I see more ethnicities embraced on TV and in ads. It's a very good thing to know companies are finally matching their marketing to the market they're after, as it should! Fisher-Price wanted to ensure they showed more of the Spanish, Black and Asian population. This reminded me of a Dove commercial that NaturallyCurly featured with their new Curly Campaign. I watched it with my mom and we both loved it. Being biracial myself with thick hair that I "re-found" when I did the big chop, I really wish this message came across when I was earlier instead of making every (black) woman thinking straight hair was best instead of their natural curls. I LOVE LOVE LOVE their message that every girl, especially little girls, should love their hair and embrace it's uniqueness. #LoveYourCurls all the way! Watch their commercial below and I'm sure you'll be moved:


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