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Big Chop 1m+ Update

Tell me how I feel, tell me how I feel!

Initial Shock

Well the initial shock of having no hair, yet again, was still as shocking as my first big chop years ago. No pony tail, no hair straightening, no fancy, elaborate hair styles. Just my hair. And that was just it, it was just me and my hair. It IS just me and my hair, left for me to play with it day in and day out (yes I know it is not recommended to do so because it doesn't keep it "perfect") but who wants "perfect" hair anyways? I'm learning to love me and my face with my natural hair surrounding it. Best thing is to just let my hair be how it wants to be. But let me expand on that idea...

Short & Cute

Now for anyone who is newly a naturalista and recently had a big chop, there are MANY lessons to learn. The biggest thing is learning to love your face and your TWA just how it is. Accept the fact that you can't do much with it and the best/healthiest thing for you is to LEAVE YOUR HAIR ALONE. Trust me, you'll want to play in it all the time. I find myself taking random pieces and just twirling it around my fingers but it's a little difficult to twirl when dry, best is right after you style or "refresh" it in the morning. I'll be making a post & youtube vid on my ultra easy "refresh" in the mornings for TWAs.

Anywho, the point I want to make is when I mean "let it be" I mean do not: straighten (heat), curl (heat), brush out, excessive gel use (to slick back), attempt at twist-out/bantu-knot, etc. But at the same time, don't just let it be in it's "raw" state and do NOTHING to your hair. You have to own your hair and style it in a low-maintenance way. If you just wash your hair, let it dry and don't put anything in it, you will not like your hair and I can guarantee that. When I first did the big chop, I thought that I didn't have to do anything with my hair because it was my "natural hair" and that was just the way it was going to be. Until I couldn't stand the dry afro and went back to the creamy-crack relaxer. My mom said to me, and I'll never forget it (lol), she said:

"You think you can just put a flower in your hair, look all cute and that's it?"

big chop short natural hair

TOTALLY don't know what I was trying to do and didn't know how to take care of it. Ahh well, you learn from your mistakes right? But leaving it alone is definitely a new experience and I'm liking it :)


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